First off, Happy New Year! What a year 2012 was. So much so that I don't even know where to start. I have said it before, and I do not say it lightly- last year was most likely the hardest year of my life (yet). That doesn't mean there were not some absolutely great moments and memories that will last forever. No, I will always remember 2012 as a year of growth. Growth, however, is not always easy and more often than not, it's painful. So I will look back on 2012 and think what a year of growth.
I was stretched more than I thought possible and yet continued to stretch some more. I look back on 2012 and can honestly say that I am proud of where I have been and what has gotten me to this point. That's all part of life, right? Making choices and decisions and then living/learning to live with them. I made choices and I had to live with them. I made a choice to serve in a way I had never even thought or heard of before. I had no idea what lie ahead of me but I prayed and thought and prayed some more and knew without a doubt I was supposed to do this. So, I joined AmeriCorps and became a VISTA (Volunteer in Service to America) serving a Southern California nonprofit organization for one full year as a full time Marketing/Fund Development Coordinator. And what a year it was.
I can't change anything about 2012 nor do I have any desire to do so. I am here in 2013- happy, healthy and have family that are just as happy and healthy as I am. I wouldn't change a thing. I only survived, and again I do not say that word lightly, because I did simply survive, this past year with the support of my amazing family and friends. Having a loving man by my side made the struggle bearable, even enjoyable at times. Through it all, we have come out together and even stronger for it. Our families both have been simply amazing and so supportive when times were rough.
This last year brought joy and sorrow, laughter and tears, friends and even better friends. As much as I wanted to quit and just give up everything, I didn't. I surprised myself in more ways than one but I never quit. And I am so glad I didn't. Because this past year has brought me tremendous strength and that is what I will take from 2012. I will enter 2013 with even more strength and confidence in myself to take on whatever life has left to throw at me. Bring it on. Because I'm ready for a great year.
So Happy New Year and sincerely best wishes for a fabulous year. Many, many blessings to all.